What are Strokes?
A lack of blood supply or a bleed into the brain tissue results in what is known as a stroke. A stroke can cause weakness in the face, arms or legs, it can cause speech impairment, memory impairment and even visual impairment.
When the arteries (the tubes in the body that deliver oxygenated blood from the heart to the brain, and the rest of the body) are narrowed or blocked, or have plaque that can throw off clots into the brain, a stroke is dangerously likely.
A common area for this disease is the arteries in the neck which are known as the carotid arteries. These arteries are often a site of plaque build-up and are required to be managed by a specialist that can offer treatment for this.
How do we treat Strokes?
We treat strokes with different surgical interventions depending on your particular condition.
Stenting of Narrowed Arteries (Carotid Stenting)
Open Surgery (Carotid Endarterectomy)
Best Medical Therapy and Preventative Medicine